About Me

Hey, I’m Addison!

And I’m a really lazy–or just tired–parent, probably just like you! I also have ADD, which is fun. I spent a lot of time with a disorganized, messy house, and I beat myself up about it for way too long.

Keeping house sucks! Once I realized that and stopped feeling guilty, I embraced all the hacks and tricks I could find to make my life–and my family’s lives–easier and better.

So, join me as I share my tips and tricks for running the best household you can. And then we can meet for margaritas.

A few facts about me:

  1. I’m not a 50s housewife. The aesthetic is ironic.
  2. I’m not blonde.
  3. I’m a Southerner, y’all.
  4. I lived overseas for almost 10 years.
  5. I have two children with special needs.

I’d love to hear from you! Check out my contact page to reach out.